Regular statistic work conducted by the Group includes the following:
Data Collection & Data Research
Data is the backbone of all ICSG statistical work and outputs. Besides receiving data from its members, the ICSG collects data from other sources such as metals associations, company direct contacts and quarterly reports, national statistical offices and specialized press. In order to improve transparency and accuracy of ICSG data and to increase the coverage, the secretariat continuously undertakes research/analysis work on data inconsistencies or gaps and looks for new reliable data sources. When necessary, the ICSG also conducts special data research to complement projects or to comply with requests from member countries.
Monthly Copper Bulletin
The ICSG produces a Copper Bulletin every month as a result of its continued work on improving and updating its statistics, and with the aim of keeping member countries, industry and subscribers regularly informed. The Bulletin includes annual and monthly statistics on copper and copper products, their production, usage and trade by country, as well as stocks and exchange prices, providing a global view of supply and demand.
Press Releases
With the publication of each monthly Copper Bulletin, the ICSG produces and distributes a press release to the public, summarizing market conditions and balance situation. A press release is also prepared for each publication of the Directory of Copper Mines and Plants (bi-annual), the Forecast (bi-annual) and the Statistical Yearbook.
Directory of Copper Mines, Smelters and Refineries – Capacities
The ICSG publishes an up-to-date version of this Directory twice yearly. The Directory highlights current production capacity and provides a five year outlook of forecasted capacity for around 1000 existing and planned copper mines, smelters and refineries on a country by country basis, including separate tables for SX-EW plants. Salient details for each operation are included and the Directory separates operations between Operating & Developing and Exploration & Feasibility stages.
ICSG Statistical Database
The ICSG maintains one of the world’s most complete historical and current databases with copper statistics for production, usage, trade, stocks and prices going back as far as the beginning of last century for some data series. The ICSG provides data since 1995 on its Online Statistical Database for subscribers but historical data prior to 1995 can be sold on demand.
World Copper Forecast
The ICSG prepares twice a year a forecast for the copper market, presenting a two year outlook. For this purpose, the ICSG seeks the important collaboration of its members by asking them to fill a Forecast survey showing the expected evolution for the copper industry in their countries. The results of the survey are complemented with additional data gathered from other sources, such as industry/company data and discussions with industry experts.
Accuracy of Forecast
In its aim towards transparency the ICSG undertakes annually an Accuracy of Forecast analysis comparing ICSG production and usage forecasts with actual data. This exercise aims at assessing the accuracy of ICSG forecast and identifying for which country the forecast most deviated and why it deviated to identify if there is a pattern in the deviation that could help improve the forecast for the following years.
Trade Flow Matrixes
The ICSG prepares once a year trade matrixes that indicate the flows of copper concentrates, blister, refined copper and copper scrap, by origin and destination. Trade flows are difficult to analyze using the conventional tabular presentation of import or export data for one country. For comparing the trade structure of countries, a matrix presentation of trade data is required. These matrixes provide excellent information on the supplying and consuming countries of these raw materials and they also provide a useful tool to check the accuracy of the reported trade data by performing a back-trade comparison (partners data).
ICSG Statistical Yearbook
The ICSG produces a Statistical Yearbook that includes annual statistics on copper and copper products, their production, usage and trade by country, as well as stocks and exchange prices, providing a global view of supply and demand for the past 10 years. The Yearbook serves as a useful tool for consultations and analysis on the longer term evolution of world copper production, usage, stocks and prices. The yearbook is usually published in July/August.
Customers/Member Governments Data Requests
The Secretariat is frequently asked questions about the nature of its statistics, the structure of the copper industry, or other topics related to copper. It is also frequently requested to provide custom data sets and long time series sourced from ICSG databases.
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